Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is Cervical Erosion Dangerous

Je Ne Regrette Rien
Por Nerissa Leone

Al fin había llegado al lugar acordado, hacia noches que el le había called, he sounded distressed, her beautiful voice seemed to have lost that tone always lived with the wandering around the world and worried.

So Darius decided to attend this cold night, late winter, leading up to the outskirts of Paris, a mansion that belonged to the family knew a long Leone.

I go to that place, being attended by the steward who indicated that Adrian was in the room, and headed in that direction.

-Bonjour mon ange - said as he entered, finding beautiful dress with a blue shirt and dark pants, barefoot, giving it a very angelic. Adrian
meanwhile was sitting in that room, his eyes fixed on the fire in the fireplace, feeling them sore, having cried so much.

is undeniably something to be spent doing day and night, since Darius had married. Mourn, despite having the support of her mother and the love obsessional Jukka.

face lift, with the heart beating a mile a minute when I hear about.

-Darius - He smiled, walked to where he was to embrace and become intoxicated with her scent.
This hug him, hard against my body, absorbing the sweet aroma, infant, so unique, so for him.

said nothing, just stood there, hugging, enjoying the heat, until it had the will away, taking her face in her hands, lifting, stooping to kiss his lips, panting, and tastings.
Adrian, I wanted to mourn again, although I would not know if that was possible after so much suffering, so much pain.

Darius lifted his face when I take it in her cold hands, closed eyes, getting that kiss, aforrándose to it, feeling the warmth that could only feel when you kiss.

- Ti amo - whisper on the lips of others, without separating, kissing him again, hanging from the neck of Darius who in turn took him by the waist, closer to Him.

Play Darius claimed those words, every second that he had done wrong to leave it behind, to continue his life in an attempt to find much needed peace without seeing the evil that made him.

- I love you, my beautiful vampire - replied, kissing him once again to be separated, in need of air, one that I needed, and re-embrace. - And tell me my beautiful, why would I need?

- I just wanted to be with you - replied quietly, muffled by the clothes of Darius. - Just wanted to feel close, feel your aroma, taste your lips, just that.

confess, depart more strongly aforrándose foreign body, fearing his anger, and his party.

- I hope do not bother you, but I hate my life without you I can not.

Darius, was silent, listening to their words, their needs became theirs.

- As refuse to see - he muttered in response, if a little away to go sit by the fire, on the floor. - How could deny that I love you.

said stroking her beautiful face.

- I also want to kiss you, and feel the warmth of your skin - Adrian muttering about to kiss. - I've been dreaming about our first meeting, while I fell in love the brightness of your eyes.
- Yes, I remember smiling slightly, "said Adrian. - I was nervous because I had to give you a message from my mother and I could not get close to you, you gave me fear and nerves, your eyes was that made me well - kept smiling, somewhat flushed at the memory. "And our first kiss, something I will never forget.
- Ah, it was a beautiful night in Central Park, it was winter, and you were dying of cold, so I take my arms, covering you with my coat and then you kiss - he smiled was shortie and a romantic kiss.
-Long - "Adrian sticking to his body, embracing, relaxed feel complete at last, after many sleepless nights, and tears, now it seemed that nothing had happened. - I can ask you something?

eyes closed, lying on his chest.
- What you want - Darius replied stroking her hair, closing his eyes while I was carried away by the aroma that they issued. - What you ask I will grant it, my love.
- Stay with me a few days - called at him, pleading with her eyes. - I just want ... I imagine how life would be with you by my side, having you just for me.

said, still staring hard at him.

- I need you more than ever in my life.
Darius stared at those blue eyes so mesmerizing, so unique and blue as the sky itself.

- I will stay - answered without much thought. - Some days, I will call it a business trip, and could not bring Ciaran, or Cahetel - said - Do you agree? So we can be together, and pretend that there is only you and me and anyone else in the world, my angel.

proposed Darius before kissing, lying on the carpet, with most looking forward to tasting her lips, her warm mouth.

- I wish - I mutter on his neck, feeling his heart beating fast Adrian, and listening to theirs.

wanted that, more than anything, wanted, wanted to feel free, to love and even this was a lie, and despite everything, he wanted to be with him.
Adrian put his arms around the neck of Darius, kiss, closing his eyes when he felt those lips on her neck, and those words.

- I love you .... I love you so, I want you so - called, clinging, trembling with anticipation to the chaste caresses of her lover on her body.

Darius in response stroked her long legs of Adrian, while enjoying the warmth that emanated from his body, his smell, the sounds that escaped his lips.

Taken in arms, rising from that place.

"Come to your room - whisper on his lips, walking towards the stairs, feeling like Adrian was leaning over him, pressing her face to the chest of Darius, listening to the irregular heartbeat.

- You know, sometimes I dream about our first time, when I submit to you, "said Adrian, while listening to her heart. - It was also very beautiful, you were always on the lookout for it every moment together was magical, even though trying to seduce Andrei, you refused to everything, for me, for giving me a beautiful moment.
- At that time were everything to me - confessed Darius "Even now are very important to me - corrected, following his path.

- I remember shaking like a leaf, terrified, and wept even before he could take off your shirt, you looked so beautiful and tempting, so beautiful, "smiled kissing her hair, until they reached his room, leaving it on the floor to open the door.

I take it again, entering the place, leaving him on the bed. Adrian
closed her eyes when she was on the soft bed, smiling, stretching arms to touch his face.

- You're so perfect - whisper lifting her face to kiss him calmly, pulling to feel close to him. "I love you.

repeated, softly, lowering her arms to the chest of Darius, to unbutton his shirt, still feel the hands of others in his body, feeling how are you wandered through your skin, under your shirt.
This in turn, responded to the caresses kissing the lips of others, running his hands through the skin to conceal under his shirt, enjoying the gentle warmth and softness.

- Je t'aime mon amour, mon ange, mon beau vampire Darius whispered on his lips to kiss him endlessly, to love, quivering as he felt the warm touch of his hands on his chest, bare skin against own.

could not help shake the feeling that completely cold skin stuck to his, groaning at the contact of two bodies that seemed to magically win a pair of powerful magnets.

- Darius - muttered his fingers clutching the black hair of her lover. "My Darius, he was still with eyes closed, she felt that mouth wandering from his lips to her neck, past his chest to lick her nipples and all exposed skin while withdrawing their pants.
Darius was devoted to explore your entire body, remembering those roads that bore his name, his mark by kissing the points he had discovered during countless nights of passion, when he could hear moaning as to now, only for the simple Contact your lips or fingers.

shed his bulky clothing, leaving him totally naked, stroking his long legs with his lips, kissing the inside of your thighs warm waiting to be desecrated with kisses, with her teeth biting soft skin, shivering complete smiled at the blush of her pale cheeks, and as your body is a subtle beading shine due to sweat.

Adrian twisted pleasure, clutching her nails into the quilt, taking them to the black hair of Darius.

"I love you - bite their lips until they bleed, then opening them to moan, vent that pleasure seeking.

Darius felt
climb over his body, kissing passionately, grabbing her long legs, thighs, hips, possessing it as only he could, as the only let him.

let out a groan to feel him inside, screaming his name, clinging to the foreign body it possessed.

- I love you.
Darius for his part was kissing him, tasting the flavor of your skin addictive, fresh fruit lips, stroking her body.

- I love you - thought he murmured between kisses as she undressed quickly taking it, making his back, moaning at the intensity of feeling trapped in that sweltering heat from the bowels of Adrian. "Adrian ... My Adrian ...

panting in every movement, looking for the ultimate pleasure that caused him to be at his side, to make love again, perhaps the last of his long life. Adrian
nail nails in the back of Darius, when he felt like the tip of his cock hit his prostate accurately, making it vibrate completely, arching her back and drop a lot more audible groans.

corresponded to each thrust, while kissing, biting his lips, drinking a few drops of his blood, triggering and seizures that led to orgasm, blinding their eyes to a magnificent glow, and his body a thousand electric shocks while running between the two bodies, wailing the name of Darius.

Darius took it hard in her arms, gasping with pleasure as he felt Adrian's body convulsing, pressing his heart pounding against his penis, causing one lash of pleasure in the spine, leaving him blind for a moment while he poured in, filling him, loving him, kissing him wildly.

"I love you - repeat, because only with him those words took on another meaning, he ached to the point of death itself. - My Adrian.

The strong close against him, calmly out of his body, letting her thighs stained seed Adrian and savannahs, thus remaining at his side, enjoying its aroma, and the magnificent view his face after experiencing an orgasm, impossibly beautiful, angelic. Adrian
crying, before the inevitable fact that sooner or later, Darius I would, as always, wait for the sleep to disappear and leave you with the feeling that everything had been just a dream the most beautiful and realistic dreams.

- Do not leave me, please, "pleaded with trembling voice, still sobbing. - Stay with me stay until I am dead, just that - asking, aforrándose the cold body of Darius. - Just wait is that you have closed my eyes forever, let me be you the last thing you see before you die.

asked staring at him, her eyes full of tears that burned to the passage of his white skin, like pure acid.

- Let me die in your arms.
His words hurt Darius's chest as if staring daggers, one by one in the middle.
die, that was an option too desperate, even he understood, because apparently thought the same thing , and had told him I wanted that Adrian was the last thing his dark eyes saw before he died.

"Adrian, please - asked, hugging him, trying to throw this idea in his head, looking for alternatives that might not help much. - I love you, my angel, my beautiful vampire - he said, while stroking her back, her hair, in a banal attempt to reassure him.
Darius was separated from the reply did not hear, not what he wanted, even with eyes brimming with tears, stood up out of bed, completely naked exposing his eyes at Darius, I take one's shirt this, sticking, which he was excessively large because it always had a smaller body, and thin.

He approached the dresser drawer taking a small silver box, approached the bed again, sitting next to Darius, opening, revealing the contents of the box, a small bottle with what appeared be blood.

- This is the only way I can escape from so much pain - he muttered, dropping fresh tears falling so gracefully staining perfect face of bitterness. Darius
saw, as indifferently even with lowered gaze Adrian was separated from him, letting God be delighted with the sight of her naked body, even after covered him with his shirt, taking some of your toilet to return to my with a silver box where I get a bottle filled with blood.

- What is this? - Asked entupidamente because he knew the answer, knew that the only poison that could destroy was the pure blood of a lycan and perhaps that was what was in the damn bottle.

Adrian pale hands in hers, kissing, staring painfully in love with him, his magnificent beauty that could be hurt the most insensitive.

- Do you think this is the only solution? - Wondering, even he was unsure of himself, his answers, not their own, just wanted to be with him, love him, without anything else in the world mattered, but did not, and would never, not while he be kept tied to this life full of lies.
- I can not live like this - Adrian muttered response, separating your hands from Darius. - I can not live knowing that every day and every night will spend at his side, he is your husband and myself will be part of your past and maybe just your lover.

She bit her lower lip, turning his face to one side, and did not want to cry, but it was impossible to do.

- It's not going to stop, let alone your daughter, and I understand, I ever felt this heat, that beautiful feeling of being father, but he spoiled everything, and he and Alex are dead - continued to give their reasons. - I have nothing left, nothing really important to me besides you that can keep me in this world if I do not want to live in the shadow of Ciaran, if I have to hide all the love I feel for you and want to pretend that minimally Jukka not want to, I can not.

making is fully bent over a ball on the bed next to Darius, still mourn to mourn so much pain, so many faults.

Darius bent over him, hugging him, clearly thinking that their relationship was totally impossible, the bad decisions of both their mutual animosities, and the shadow of its past and present would always be there.

I take her face in her hands, wiping tears with your lips, collecting.

- Just let me do something else - Darius said before kissing her little rosebud mouth. - And follow the line that marks our destination.

affirm, separating from him, dressed with only his pants, walked to stand before the toilet, taking pen and paper to write, Quick words, quick apology, and all downloaded feelings on paper. After having written the relevant fold the leaves, giving names to each of them, and took his cell phone, calling his sister, who would take care the most precious thing I had after Adrian.

- Take care, only that .... ....- insurance murmured responses. - Goodbye .... I love you ... Orestes ...- also hung up, before returning to dial another number next to Adrian, sitting on the edge of the bed, letting his head resting on his lap, like a docile cat.

-Cahetel .... Forgive me for not fulfilling my promises, so you'll forgive me, I swear by all means try to forget everything, but the wounds are too deep and I would bleed slowly, forgive me, just remember to always love you and that nevertheless and where you are, you continue nursing, and your uncles, they now take care of you and give you all the love you need, just do not hate me and get on with your life, be happy, my beautiful princess. I love you.

was a quick message before taking the device and break, dropping debris on the floor. Again Adrian's face, smiling, confident of his own tragedy.

"I love you whisper on his lips. Adrian
hear every word without knowing what to do or say, wishing he was happy, despite his own happiness.

- I am selfish to ask you this - muttered hugging. - You should go, should go with your family and be happy, and I were already ... I just came to spoil everything.

said, clinging to the bare chest of Darius, who simply replied curtly.

- I was dead, "he muttered. - At that moment I made the mistake of leaving you, the moment that Andrei erase all my memories of my once, I died - said, taking Adrian's face in his hands again. - This is the only way I can always close to the wounds, I can pay all the mistakes and causing damages to each person who dared to harm me, consciously or unconsciously. I do it for us, this love that surpasses us, poisoning us and killing us slowly.

I kept muttering, while Adrian took off the hands of the bottle, opening it.

- Darius - this time it was the turn of Adrian. - Forgive me - asked, taking the bottle. - I asked this to your sister - she said. - Lycan blood is combined with the poison of the blood of animals - comment. - Darius, I really do not need to do this with me, just ... just let me die in your arms, and go ... please.

- I will not do - refute Darius staring at him. - I will not go on without you by my side - under the gaze to his hands, where he held the bottle shakily. - I've noticed that not conceive my life without you, without knowing that you live somewhere on the planet, farthest from it and could find, I can not, it's just unbelievable.

said kissing again.

- This is our fate, tragic, romantic, like a Shakespeare play, "smiled sadly. - Or a song HIM - commented kissing her lips, her face, hugging in his arms, singing a song as I settled in the middle of the bed ...

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose so Before
life tears us apart let death bless
me with you

Will not you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

sang in his ear, as he took the bottle of poison in his hand, sipping from a drink half of it, aforrándose to his body, before handing it to him .
Adrian opened his eyes but when he saw that Darius took the first sip of the bottle, then give it, his heart seemed want to leave your body however, took the bottle, raising a hand to caress his face, before leaving empty drink until the bottle.

- Like Romeo and Juliet - smiled tenderly leaning against the chest of Darius. - I always said that we would end well, and that would be your Juliet immortal - closed his eyes, because of the pain caused in the effects of poison, deep breath, opened them again, watching his beloved Sphinx August, smiling innocently.

- and be your eternal Romeo, reciting poems at the foot of your balcony - Darius said, before kissing him, slowly, pressing against him, not wanting to forget or fail to feel those warm lips, which gave her last kiss. - And with this last kiss I die ...

murmured, watching as Adrian smiled despite the pain and tears shed light on what seemed happy, before closing his eyes forever, giving the peace needed to leave the world.


Adrian lifeless arms being who had loved as much or more than his own existence, and Darius, just get carried away by the peace that provided having fulfilled the desire to be reflected one last time in the bright eyes of his one true love, the love of his eternity.

And then there was no more pain, more tears, and silence everlasting kingdom in the room, leaving just two lovers embracing, sleeping and loving forever ....

Eternamente .


Nerissa Leone

Mexico City March 5, 2010 7:44 p.m.


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