Friday, December 31, 2010

E Coli In Strawberries

2011 ... Find

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A year round as it evokes the final zero. Year when I realize how much life has changed and how they all end Advanced Degree. Year that would put the bottom of a drawer and find it just as well, though it's hard to find.
This year I was so weak I could feel my own pride was trampled again and again. I felt more alone than ever before, away from the real world around me. Bubble that I lived an experience I hope not to repeat any more, because soap and water drown me, and I would not suffocated.
Definitely it was a year earthquake, in tears, loss, failure, loneliness, joy and kisses fine. Year gave me lessons that, despite everything, not penetrated the bottom and that led me once again starting point.

If I had to define this year in one word would be: DISAPPOINTMENT.

I became disillusioned people.
I disappointed myself. And I deseilusioné
each of my ideals.

A year who knows the gall, although it is covered by a burnt caramel a little ... As you leave that bitter aftertaste. Yes, a year that will be most remembered for what I want. Or so I think yet.
The great line this year was " who spits in the face to the sky falls ." And to say that to me a goblet of snow fell in the eye would not be exaggerating. This has helped me know what not want out of life. Because if something has been positive in these 365 days ... is that I've come much closer to those who do not want to be than it ever had before.
Sometimes I think with each passing year my inner artist dies. It seems that the Peter Pan who lives in me farther and farther away from Neverland, and it kills me a little. I do not know if that's "mature" because it seems more "torture." But nobody really cares if my soul is run down or poorly survives the process. There are times when even I feel that the soul does not matter. Alma recalls feeling, and feel is something I do not like anything.
I have no goals for this new year to keep on track. I have no desire to breathe another day. I have no curiosity to wonder how it ends War and Peace (Book I leave and I return for several months, not because I do not like- the contrary, it captivates me! - but because I had read or inspiration). And I do not expect more than laid off, some welcome and a farewell to mutate my life.
2011 is supposed to be a year of changes. Back to the old and leave the season and used in the closet. But whenever one turns to put that old garment that had almost forgotten the little he remembers why he left kept a long time ... and although sometimes the old is back in fashion, sometimes only a symbol of a past that portrays a time that is why it is not repeated.
I do not know if my return to the past means a new fad or please put it back into the cardboard box!, but whatever will I wear it and look in the mirror before making a decision. Anyway there are not many options after that. May not be fashionable is not as bad as it seems ...
So start this year without any expectations. I'll see if I am surprised over the days, or just moving as if he had nothing else to do.
Life ... I expect nothing from you or your life. Not one you want, not a goodbye, let alone a whispered I love you under the moonlight. Today I do not expect anything from you. Neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the 362 days which remain before the 2012 I slapped his face.
2010 dismissal you! ... You and 2011 ... with a "hello" will be more than good.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Does Cd Shoe Mean


"She already found a future without me ...

... and I am only a past without it"
(phrase found in a diary of a man who knows no love. Or at least he did not know love when due.
say that years later realized that freedom accompanied by the solitude was not so good. But when she opened her eyes and felt the emptiness of his heart it was too late.
She had gone on one or embracing another man. And although at times it reminded ... I could never love again.
escuesen wounded hearts and salt before kissing the past. It is best to leave the wound to heal with time and distance. Although more than once a patch has been good enough.
Luckily everything tends to heal, or gangrene, but infects the body and destroys it. Killing without mercy.
Another thing I say stories)