Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Does Cd Shoe Mean


"She already found a future without me ...

... and I am only a past without it"
(phrase found in a diary of a man who knows no love. Or at least he did not know love when due.
say that years later realized that freedom accompanied by the solitude was not so good. But when she opened her eyes and felt the emptiness of his heart it was too late.
She had gone on one or embracing another man. And although at times it reminded ... I could never love again.
escuesen wounded hearts and salt before kissing the past. It is best to leave the wound to heal with time and distance. Although more than once a patch has been good enough.
Luckily everything tends to heal, or gangrene, but infects the body and destroys it. Killing without mercy.
Another thing I say stories)


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