Monday, March 7, 2011

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Cynicism irony ... sarcasm ... ...

Irony. 1. Fine mockery disguised. 2. Mocking tone that is said. 3. Figure of speech which is to imply the opposite of what is said.

Sarcasm. 1. Bloody mockery, scathing irony and cruel or abusive offending someone or something. 2. Figure is to use this kind of irony or mockery.

Cynicism. 1. Impudence in lying or in the defense and practice reprehensible actions or doctrines. 2. Impudence, brazen obscenity. 3. Doctrine of the Cynics. 4. Effect of filth and obscenity.

And you're looking, things are mixed ...

Irony: caustic, sarcasm, ridicule, sarcasm, humor, reticence, joke, sarcasm, sarcastically, puya.

sarcasm: sarcasm, bitterness, pungency, gibe, satire mocking, sarcastic tone, allusion, indirect, irony, sarcasm

Cynicism: audacity, audacity, impudence, falsehood, hypocrisy, duplicity

The irony is the figure by which is meant the opposite of what you say. When irony is very aggressive intent, it is called sarcasm.

Sarcasm, which comes from the Greek word sarkasmo of sarkazein (biting lips, sarx/sark-, meat, composition literally mean "to cut a piece of meat [of the person elected].") Sarcasm is proverbially described as "the lowest form of humor but the highest expression of wit. "It is a malicious and blatantly disguised mockery, scathing irony and cruel or abusive offending someone or something. The term also refers to a figure of speech which consists in using this kind of irony.

Briefly ... Would you say that irony is implicit and explicit sarcasm?

Sarcasm is higher dose of bad blood, the person using it wants to make clear his message is encrypted ... and cruel interpretation is good.

The irony is smarter, plays with the doubt, can ironic that it is mocking, maybe not, we will always question if we do not know the person well, and sometimes, knowing well. You could say that the irony is mockery disguised to hide the truth, and the sarcasm, a joke is hiding a covert aggression.

So ... which of the two I have left to enter the school of cynicism?

Well, poorly defined as a school, and repudiating science, standards and conventions and the first meetings were held in a gym ... Even in those days had the great question that philosophers did not know whether to call or insane, but at the present time, we continue with that same dilemma ...

Cynicism is a philosophy which aims to achieve happiness through wisdom, liberation of the spirit and the attainment of virtue. The shortage is inextricably linked to this philosophy. Cynics shed their property not to feel attached to them, and now, if not undo themselves, and is responsible for the crisis to do it for them ... They are strangers to the pleasures not to be their slaves.

is a way to live, think and speak differently, a critique of human stupidity.

The modern usage suggests la definición de cinismo como la de una disposición a no creer en la sinceridad o bondad humana, ni en sus motivaciones y acciones, así como una tendencia a expresar esta actitud mediante la burla y el sarcasmo (ironía?).

Actualmente el significado de ese cinismo lo hemos cambiado, tergiversado, utilizándolo de modo peyorativo, con demasiada frecuencia, hacia personas que hayan realizado actos reprochables o fuera de tono… cuándo un cínico sólo es una persona que rechaza el movimiento despreciable de las convenciones sociales y prefiere vivir con honestidad un mundo lleno de hipocresía.

Las definiciones, los sinónimos y su uso, mingle ... I'm fine with that irony and elegant, with sarcasm and cynicism, both included, as an intelligent person, you will never damage it with a sarcastic smart, because it considered irony ... and a person who declines to be called intelligent The capture finer irony as a cruel sarcasm ...

The philosophy that teaches you this is the same life with his kicking, his good moments and worst moments ... but we will always doubt whether Life is ironic, sarcastic or cynical ...


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