Saturday, July 31, 2010

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The new step

Twenty years term of life today. Twenty years
open your eyes and see myself again and again. Twenty years
chains that tie me to my space. Twenty years of living

Tomorrow that will change.
twenty-three intend it to be different.
I'll be more than ever.
try to break my shield to the healthy and feel a little more. Forget
fifteen and sixteen, along with the seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty and twenty. Being
largest spirit, but keep cheerfulness of soul.
leave the past behind in a cherry tree trunk. I close my door, and I'll open it to find only the beautiful memories.
may return in search of love that for myself.
I reencontraré with my claw fighter and together we will open the way to adulthood running after me.
And once you turn the light and see the path, with the sorrows and joys, all those times I fell to my knees and I wanted to be stretched forever ...
... I know that once again I got up and kept going.
Because I am strong.
I know that I have fear. Because
fought and continue fighting.
At the end of the day I'm a star, and when you touch my turn to die I just want to make one thing: the brightness of my light will spread around the world many years later.

Shine ....
And keep walking, Because Tomorrow Will Be Another Day



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