Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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Candidat @ sa City Hall Obejuna Source, next May 22

space dedicated to local elections next May 22, in this election are 3 candidat @ s Obejuna Source mayor, also a new party in the village of El Porvenir. Thank the candidat @ s the time we have devoted to this medium, in order to present this brief summary of what each of their platforms.



FRANCISCO ROMERO RODRIGUEZ, candidate for the Andalusian Party


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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Anniversary Lunch at Casa Fuente in Hospitalet de Llobregat Obejuna

House Source Obejuna Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), usual place of meeting and living together mellarienses inhabiting the Catalan city of over more than five hundred, held a birthday dinner attended by numerous civilians as well as some politicians the city. In this meeting place mellarienses celebrate the acts of living, food, dances and parties throughout the year, having been organized on two occasions through the towns of Fountain Hospitalet de Llobregat Obejuna and moving two games mellarienses group living in Source Obejuna to the Catalan city, on the first occasion when opened the house, representing fragments of the work of Lope de Vega on site and in a second when he represented the new "Fuenteovejuna" in this case the complete works in a downtown theater Hospitalet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shuffleboard Tablesloja

Sad note

"Sad Note"

A sonata
soul that has lost the will
If there is no play ...

Without hearing the song magnanimous
Of The Gods ...
Through his violin.

A sad song
For one who delights
listen calmly
From his bed in a dark cemetery.

A sad note, Melancholic
full of old
From bitter past.

Grief, pain, hate ...
Anguish and loneliness ...
That issue notes ...
Crystalline, beautiful.

A song of pain ...
This has been called.
Al pain
always accompanied him,
A melody to his only companion.
eternal loneliness.

A lost soul in eternity
In the sentence ...
we always will follow.

~ * ~

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Even the air is dense, breathing is an ordeal
look you Loving you is a martyrdom
So far these
Loving other
Miles, strange
Human beings no
soul Condemned
hand in your soul, your body
For a piece of metal, paper
to what you call money.

Dime therefore

How much is a minute of your time,
One touch of your fingers,
A single rose of your lips?

my love.
What voice do not see it die?
What if my money does not have the courage?

If your answer is the silence from your lips.
Close your eyes
Stretch out your hand and get it
The most precious jewel that I have
for nothing
Nothing I demand

my heart in pledge
One night with you.

Congratulating Someone On Having A Baby

Tours dramatized in Obejuna Source

Source Obejuna morning has been released on Sunday May 15 a new way to teach their heritage through a combination of guided tours and theatrical. The initiative has been welcomed by a large group of Cordoba including many towns in the province, comprising approximately eighty people who have been privileged to enjoy this new form of domestic tourism.
Municipal Bureau of Tourism proposed to the Consortium of Provincial and Enresa this project, which hopefully has not just begun, having created a partnership with the intention of making this kind of activity the last Sunday of each month.
The visit, which worked a group of nine players in the locality, These people typically involved in the regular performances of the work of Lope during the month of August. starting from the 11, 00 h in the courtyard of the Historical Museum Source Obejuna scenario that served as the first of the scenes, particularly the reception from the residents of the village to the supreme commander of the Order of Calatrava Fernán Gómez de Guzman, while tasted these delicious fritters accompanied by local wine, then proceeding to know the pieces inside the museum.
The second scene, when the Commander tries to abuse of Laurentia to the banks of the river being defended by Leafy with a crossbow in hand, developed before the altar of the Convent of San Francisco, continuing with a visit to the building, mainly to the magnificent rococo dressing room, the pride of all mellarienses.
The Charity chapel was the place to celebrate the wedding of Laurencia and Leafy, witnessing the union, the Cristo de la Misericordia, beautiful baroque carving of the crucified, wedding interrupted by the Commander and his soldiers who carried the bride forcing the House of Commendation. Rallying
council then in the chapel of Jesus of Nazareth, XIV century building, with Moorish-style adaptations of Baroque, where tradition says was conceived the survey, to be the official site town meetings in the absence of a municipality or plenary hall as it is today. The speech, at which Laurencia insults and reproaches his father and all the council his cowardice and passivity to much abuse, beginning in the pulpit of the church, continuing in the audience, when he showed signs of shock provoked by the the army commander and his wedding night as they tore between pain and anger I felt, cause this made the popular uprising against his lord.
On leaving this place everyone was amazed at the beauty that each day shows us the modern palace, popularly known as Casa de Cardona, saying many of them its pleasantly surprised to find a building of its kind in a small town in the Cordoba mountain range.
group's next stop was at the plaza "Lope de Vega" of the town square becomes every two or three years during the month of August at the scene of the representation of the famous play by Lope de Vega "Fuenteovejuna." Ending
visit the Parish Church Our Lady of the Castle, built on the site of the House Commit Fernan Gomez de Guzman. The walls of this temple, beautifully decorated with frescoes of the fifteenth century, the true catechism along with the altar of the building, witnessed the words of forgiveness from the Catholic Monarchs after being informed of the death of Commander at the hands of her village by a coroner's court, who could not get out of their mouths rather than a response to your question: Who killed the Comendador?, Fuenteovejuna sir, it's a scene beautiful to have a framework so superb as is its Renaissance-style altarpiece.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

Sunday, May 15, 2011

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Source Cruces de Mayo in

The neighbors of Sevilla Street maypole set up their seventh consecutive year. Each afternoon at 18.30 h after starting the holy rosary and then comes the fun, coffee or chocolate with homemade jams that bring the neighbors in the street and paso dobles, tangos, rumba that brighten the evenings of this lovely maypole tradition that is celebrated in the Christian world through Santa Elena, patron saint of our village Cardenchosa. Moreover
neighbors New Street in collaboration with Rosario Street and part of the Master Street, have set a year in May his cross in its fourth edition. The cross occupies the entire street has been beautifully decorated by neighbors with shawls, quilts, flowers, fans, flags and other decorative items. After praying the rosary in the afternoon of Saturday 7 May, all guests enjoyed coffee with homemade pastries and cakes donated by neighbors. Sunday May 8 provides a great paella and continues the party in a cozy atmosphere and neighborhood in which no person coming will run out and taste their products in a cross nonprofit installed.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

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Obejuna exhibition tournament in


was held this past Sunday in Osuna (Sevilla), the XI Tournament CEDIF Exhibition organized by the categories of Prebenjamín and Benjamin and schools who participated in Andalusia: Osuna, Dung (Huelva), Alcalá Guadaira, Belmont, Campillos (Málaga), safflower, Cazares de la Sierra, Ecija, Jerez, La Puebla del Rio, Minas de Río Tinto, Morón de la Frontera, Nerva, Cullar Vega, Villanueva de Córdoba, Barbate and Source Obejuna.
All teams played three games in 20 minutes. As an exhibition tournament was not taken into account the results, nor was there any final standings as the only objective was intended is that children enjoy playing football on a day of sports coexistence between schools from different parts of Andalusia. We can say that all children gained and enjoyed a beautiful day.

Pepe Rivera

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Obsession Ice

"Ice "

I love you
you scorn me still broken.

I need
Despite the acid in your words.

're all
And anything you leave in your wake

You fire
And ice that freezes my being

darkness you
Sunny In my days

My hope
My despair
My hunger
My thirst

You are the blood running through my veins
As a liquid fire
Burning within me.

and tear myself
bleed me
I hurt
kill me

Yet Even
follow you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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OSUNA Day of coexistence of the bearers of the Brotherhood of Mercy First Source Obejuna

The bearers of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Mercy and Our Lady of Grace and bitterness held their traditional day of coexistence the back of the Chapel of Grace. He has not missed the lamb donated by the family García Escudero and great paella as usual on this day. There has also been the play of the thong, something and characteristic of our fraternity. The evening lasted well into Saturday night May 7th here as emblematic and loved by all mellarienses, meeting at which he has not missed the humor and fun-loving.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

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election rally

The Popular Party has been the first to conduct an election campaign rally Obejuna Source. It was around 21.30 pm when the ceremony began with the screening of a montage made by Lorena Ortiz where he was a thorough review of all actions that had taken place in our town for three years of Popular Party government. Then Carmen Navarrete, President of the local PP presented the event which took place in the theater "Lope de Vega" in the locality. Carmen thanked the presence of all attendees, both members of the party as Obejuna Source neighbors. Isabel Cabezas wished a resounding victory at the polls in the upcoming municipal elections May 22 and gave the word of God Lidya, local party secretary, who after thanking also the presence of party colleagues and local residents, found that he was very happy to present not just a group of people representing an acronym but to turn to a large family full of enthusiasm, willing to work for Source Obejuna and villages, people you can trust fully, with more than enough motivation to win the elections on 22 May. The local secretary of the PP in Source Obejuna felt optimistic about some polls giving his party an absolute majority in most of Spain, hoping that our people are also met these surveys. "The deposit of the PP vote is a vote for a job well done, a vote for progress, employment and good governance," he said. Lidya stressed that for many years the town of Fuente Obejuna had been very generous with the PSOE, asking her generosity tonight with the Popular Party to govern in peace, with a candidate with great experience who had worked almost all delegations, such as social services, always helping the elderly, in sport, having created the football nursery with the little ones, plus they would have gotten permanent ambulance service 24 hours a day. Isabel Cabezas described as a great engine, pure nerve, motor will not stop until lift Source Obejuna of the situation. Finally, the local secretary of the PP in our town threw a question for all us to reflect: "What more has to happen in Source Obejuna and villages to vote in people's Party being the party that gives confidence in these times and raise the solution to Spain? ".
then took the floor Maria Jose Botella, Parliamentary PP in Seville who once again felt very happy to be in Source Obejuna and support the candidacy of Elizabeth Cabezas, which he described as one of the great women of the Popular Party of the many who has such as Rita Barberá, Esperanza Aguirre or Teófila Martínez.

Rafael Morillo, second in the popular lists of upcoming municipal, said he had been a legislature complicated by not being able to carry out all projects to the continued stonewalling of the Andalusian Party, legislature that would lead to the sad situation that had led to Francisco Romero to break the pact with its partners in government a few months after the municipal elections. Rafael said that he felt need for the PP won an absolute majority Obejuna Source, to perform many of the industrial projects that had started and had not been able to complete the continuing obstacles that had been placed, the first from their partners government and then from the provincial and regional institutions.
Among those present was also Juan Carlos Gomez, candidate for mayor by the PP in Villanueva del Rey as well as the Mayor and mayoral candidate Espiel.

Finally, speaking Isabel Cabezas, a mayoral candidate by the PP in Source Obejuna, who thanked all his fellow party members to make their lists and have relied on it again and all the support and confidence mellarienses and accompany her tonight in this rally. Isabel felt sad at the position of the Socialist Party only destructive in politics, launching a newsletter in which he played the most sacred, the family, particularly his mother, "How can we trust in a game that dares to raise slanders against the most important in the life of a person as is his family and particularly a mother? "socialist mothers and relatives to whom she had helped during his three years of government in council. Alluding to this newsletter also outlined issues such as delayed or even disqualification of many companies in the industrial "The Whitey" in the absence of electrification, the refusal by the PSOE and PA to the implementation of a company in this polygon that had led to the creation of fourteen jobs and the issue of thermal and other aspects.
person who sets all his interests in creating primarily employment, without neglecting other areas, such as sports, rural tourism development, with a reference as important as Modernist Mansion rehabilitation, building restoration had begun through the work of the Popular Party who likes it although, a project that was unlocked during his three-year term, something they had parked and forgotten in Sevilla. Finally he thanked all his government team showed confidence in her and stressed that on 22 May could be the beginning or end of his political life, as if he could not understand that winning elections Source Obejuna she had not banked and would given up, something she would never do for his people and the people of his village to which he considers caring, hardworking and capable. "The popular party works with head and heart."

The event ended with all participants and members of the PP list onstage applauded by all present.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Source Obejuna FIESTA DE LA CRUZ Pánchez

On Sunday May 1, was held in the village of Panchez, the Mass in honor of the patron saint of the village, Santa Cruz. At the end of the celebration was taken in procession through the village streets mellariense, the image of Santa Cruz, accompanied by the band of drums Ojuelos Altos.
After the procession the neighbors could see the photographic exhibition of old Cruces, cooling and eating in the bar that opened the Banana Bar Ojuelos Altos, ending the day with a great dance to the music of Bolero 45.

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mother and understand Because you're always smiling

Because you are a mother and understand
You're always smiling.

When you look at your children
What to see from far away,
When you hear his songs,
Their compliments and your prayers. Hail

Pray to the good mother worthy of our praise

That has a big heart
My Lady of Grace.

When love is so great silences are words

crying eyes Say What lips shut
It does not say words. Hail

Pray to the good mother worthy of our praise

That has a big heart
My Lady of Grace.
a mother's heart
has a boundless love and always forgiving

Although this angry
And always, always calling
At the forgotten children. Hail

Pray to the good mother worthy of our praise

That has a big heart Gracia
My virgin
Let my people go to sea will gradually

many things and dreamed of the shade Your poplar
many things have prayed


Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Top Source Obejuna Election Campaign Fiesta

With Traditional putting up posters of the candidates for mayor of Source Obejuna the City Council, Isabel Cabezas by the PP, the PSOE Rafael Delgado and Francisco Romero by the PA, began last night from 5 to May 6 from noon electoral campaign in our town with a view to future municipal elections May 22. With slogans like "Centered on You" by the Popular Party, "To win Obejuna Source" by the Socialist Party and "Source Obejuna, our commitment" by the Andalusian Party, appeared papered the streets and squares of our town Friday morning May 6. Slogans all looking for a common purpose, the welfare of Obejuna Source and all its citizens.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ancestry Message Boards

Rule of Our Patron Canon of the town, the Virgen de Gracia. Basketball Tournament

After five days of religious celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint of Font Obejuna, Our Lady of Grace, during which the Virgin Mary has visited seniors residence, the children have been sheltered under his robe, there have been some donations to her as a beautiful rose in silver gilt and a banner, and altar of the Parish Church Our Lady of the Castle covered with white flowers in the wreath that all mellarienses offer their patron quinary the last day, Friday, porch great day of celebration in honor of Our Lady of Grace.
During the afternoon of Saturday April 30 echoed through the streets and squares Source Obejuna the sound of bugles and drums of military Banda Cerro Muriano, X Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno", with the expertise and solemnity with which they are accustomed. At 19.30 h and began a solemn Eucharist entrance procession headed by D. Juan Correa and concelebrated by priests D. Juan Laguna, D. Matthias Fantini, D. Juan Luis Carnero and D. Jaime Porras attended all fraternities mellarienses passion and some other towns such as Hinojosa del Duque, or Brotherhood of Fatima and Our Lady of Sorrows of Cordoba and as representatives of the City Council mellariense and senior army officers from Cerro Muriano, given the link to the Virgen de Gracia has with the military and a large number of parishioners. The whole ceremony was accompanied musically by the Philharmonic Center "Guadiato and Sierra" Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, who wanted to make this gift to the Virgin and her sisterhood. At the end of the Eucharistic ceremony, the elder brother of the brotherhood of glory, D. Antonio Luis Marquez Martin, thanked everyone for making it possible for these events in honor of our Patron, and immediately thereafter, the aforementioned X band of the Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno", interpreted a series of processional marches concluding with the national anthem, which replaced the processional route of the Virgin through the streets of people hanging about the possibility of rain. At the end of this small military band concert was an exhibition at some sites and a place Monsignor Miguel Castillejo packed audience at the end of which the brotherhood returned to give an even more lively at night with the traditional fireworks display .
The party moved from the 23.00 has the esplanade of the Grace Chapel which each year organizes the Brotherhood of Mercy of a popular verbena Source Obejuna collaboration with the City Council of the villa entertainment by musical group "Twilight" that lasted until nearly dawn on Sunday.

The time allowed to celebrate the festival of San Marcos in Obejuna Source.
On Sunday May 1, coinciding with the holiday weekend, leaving Our Lady of Grace Parish Our Lady of Grace under a sky threatening rain that forced the guild to shorten his journey, accompanied by mellariense village, who was invited by courtesy of the brotherhood of Mercy perrunillas and anise, also accompanied by a parade chariot and horsemen, decorated for the occasion. The Virgin came to home earlier than usual, then starting a mass in his honor rociera officiated by D. Juan Laguna Navarro and accompanied by the singing of the Choir Our Lady of Hope Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo. Following this, the people of Source Obejuna intense awaited holiday matinee organized by the Brotherhood of Mercy and the City, which offered the people a tasting of Iberian land Alfaro courtesy of Brothers and then hosted a barbecue by the Brotherhood of Mercy as well as the traditional game of the thong, continuing on the day of pilgrimage to Sunday night to the sound of the orchestra Cordoba "Angora." During the afternoon the Illustrious Gloria Brotherhood of Our Lady of Grace, a partner in the events of the day of pilgrimage, coffee and sweets offered to anyone who wanted to approach the gates of the shrine, and everyone who came to give thanks to the Virgin for giving enjoy days like this.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Port Royale 2 Banquet

Obejuna Source Visit

Last April 19 was held at the sports center Font Obejuna, the first 3x3 basketball tournament Joint meeting organized by Women's Basketball club "Laurencia" of recent formation. The purpose of this event sports is to help this young club, consisting of about 20 gorgeous girls of various ages and trained with great enthusiasm by Raphael Calzadilla and Marga, sport can begin their journey.
The tournament began at 5:00 p.m., with the participation of a total of 10 teams attending, belonging to the municipality of Fuente Obejuna Peñarroya and Cordoba.
finally made the win teams:

1 º. Juan Team (Córdoba)

2 º. PEDRO FERNANDEZ (Source Obejuna, whose components are Celeste, Pedro and Juan Gabriel)

3 º. BEER UNICAJA (Obejuna Source Team consists of: Paco, Maria Angeles and Luismi).

On behalf of Club Basketball Laurencia, whose board is made up of players themselves and chaired by the young M ª Ángeles Caballero, here are grateful together first participation at all / as attending the first meeting, hoping not to be the last and invite everyone to take any future tournaments. Second, the City Council, which had the details of giving participants a medal and a diploma as a souvenir of this first tournament, and last but not least, thanks the selfless the only employer Cefor mellaria, a company that provided the three trophies awarded to the winners. Thanks again to all for participating and making possible a great day of basketball.

God Lidia

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Manuel Gahete Reading Club

D. Gahete Manuel Jurado, BA in Romance Philology from the University of Granada, Professor of English language and literature, Doctor of Philosophy, Academic of the Real Academia de Córdoba, whose intense literary work has been honored on several occasions, visited last evening of Wednesday April 27 Obejuna Source Library, his hometown, where he shared with members of the local Reading Club, who meet every Wednesday afternoon at the library, a literary evening, taking these components of the club and other guests the opportunity to learn a little more to this illustrious countryman and his extensive literary and theatrical. Manuel Gahete immediately began thanking all those present who had taken care to make him an emotional tribute to a recent literary event organized by the book club on the occasion of "'Day of the Book." Gahete, "poet and prophet in his own country he had never said so deep an homage as he had received from his countrymen. He then recited some of his poems and shared with the experience in this field. The Reading Club members Mellariense had the opportunity to put questions to Manuel Gahete on his extensive literary work, his passions and motives that moved and inspired at the time of writing. Gahete encouraged all participants in the event to bring out the best kept inside each of them and are able to convey their feelings and experiences through poetry.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

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Source Obejuna Moving to Our Lady of Grace nursing home.

With the transfer of the Patron Saint of Font Obejuna, Our Lady of Grace, from the parish to the nursing home began the first day of quinary replacing the ninth to be held in his honor by lack of time this year. Residents of Our Lady of the Angels enjoyed this evening that this time coincides with the day of San Marcos, festival during which the festival is held at the end of Samana passing closer. After the recitation of the Rosary and a Mass was held at the end of it, the patron took leave of the elders of the parish church back home to continue with four more days of quinary which will conclude in the wreath on Friday April 29, the Feast of Rule and procession through the streets of Source Obejuna accompanied the band of the Brigade Guzmáz The Well X Muriano Hill on Saturday 30 April and finally gives his move on pilgrimage to Ermita de Gracia, with its floats, horse riders and all the people mellariense, following which the traditional Mass held in honor romera our patroness.

Francisco Javier Cabezas

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday in Obejuna Source

and repeated Heavy rains that had continued throughout the Easter and that had tarnished the processions of Source Obejuna a truce on Saturday holy allowing the procession out of Solitude. The doors of the Convent of San Francisco were full of people eager to see the Holy Week in the street. 19.30 h on the cross brotherhood put this guide on the street, accompanied by women wearing tile and blanket holding a lighted candle which gave a color of passion in the afternoon of Holy Saturday mellariense. Cross naked with the Shroud of Christ premiered this year a ladder, symbolizing that you marched for the descent of the Dead Christ of the Cross, and the ordeal of this step premiered a red cloak of carnations and purple iris still giving more importance to this simple step carried by women of the village. La Virgen de la Soledad, which was embellished with pink gladioli suit, looked like your candelería never fully on, something unusual during the tour. Was not yet quite at night and already covered this brotherhood among all fraternities lucky mellarienses during Holy Week 2011 to be able to make penitential.

Around 23.30 pm Easter Vigil began turning on the paschal candle, candle that would give birth to the many parishioners carrying candles and a procession that opened within the Parish of Our Lady .'s Castillo. After the various readings and the singing of the Gloria, the church shone with all its light and all the candles lit, and the sound of the first rockets and firecrackers announced that Christ had risen. At the end of the Easter Vigil, the Risen Christ and Our Mother of Grace out in procession accompanied and carried by jubilant children with vengalas that lit procession and gave a special color to this big night in our village. In the square waved Lope de Vega was Mother and Son, and after the first fluttering of flags began a magnificent fireworks display which were accompanied as it is from several years ago by music. Since Sunday morning Easter and the Eucharist after returning to resonate within the parish church of the drum sound that accompanied the Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant of the Holy Burial, waiting in the streets and squares of our people a day of celebration, partying and revoleteo of flags. As usual the Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant in the guild invited all mellarienses of wine, beer and ham during the day of Resurrection, ending the intense evening in the barracks of the Holy Burial throughout the afternoon and evening of Sunday Resurrection.

Francisco Javier Cabezas