Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baby Uromastyx For Sale

Source Obejuna Moving to Our Lady of Grace nursing home.

With the transfer of the Patron Saint of Font Obejuna, Our Lady of Grace, from the parish to the nursing home began the first day of quinary replacing the ninth to be held in his honor by lack of time this year. Residents of Our Lady of the Angels enjoyed this evening that this time coincides with the day of San Marcos, festival during which the festival is held at the end of Samana passing closer. After the recitation of the Rosary and a Mass was held at the end of it, the patron took leave of the elders of the parish church back home to continue with four more days of quinary which will conclude in the wreath on Friday April 29, the Feast of Rule and procession through the streets of Source Obejuna accompanied the band of the Brigade Guzmáz The Well X Muriano Hill on Saturday 30 April and finally gives his move on pilgrimage to Ermita de Gracia, with its floats, horse riders and all the people mellariense, following which the traditional Mass held in honor romera our patroness.

Francisco Javier Cabezas


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