Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Woman Wearing Penny Loafers

Manuel Gahete Reading Club

D. Gahete Manuel Jurado, BA in Romance Philology from the University of Granada, Professor of English language and literature, Doctor of Philosophy, Academic of the Real Academia de Córdoba, whose intense literary work has been honored on several occasions, visited last evening of Wednesday April 27 Obejuna Source Library, his hometown, where he shared with members of the local Reading Club, who meet every Wednesday afternoon at the library, a literary evening, taking these components of the club and other guests the opportunity to learn a little more to this illustrious countryman and his extensive literary and theatrical. Manuel Gahete immediately began thanking all those present who had taken care to make him an emotional tribute to a recent literary event organized by the book club on the occasion of "'Day of the Book." Gahete, "poet and prophet in his own country he had never said so deep an homage as he had received from his countrymen. He then recited some of his poems and shared with the experience in this field. The Reading Club members Mellariense had the opportunity to put questions to Manuel Gahete on his extensive literary work, his passions and motives that moved and inspired at the time of writing. Gahete encouraged all participants in the event to bring out the best kept inside each of them and are able to convey their feelings and experiences through poetry.

Francisco Javier Cabezas


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