Friday, April 22, 2011

Stinky Urine And Brown Discharge

Holy Thursday

After the solemn celebration of Holy Thursday Offices in the Parish Church of Our Lady officiated by D. Castillo Juan Laguna Navarro, Chaplain of the Brotherhood of Source Obejuna, all eyes of mellarienses focused on a sky that wanted to open streaming a ray of hope to the imminent departure of the procession of Our. Padre Jesus Nazareno and Our Lady of Hope. But it was not just the time to leave, at 22.00 h, and after deciding the governing board of the brotherhood to take half an hour of respite, with the possibility of shortening the brotherhood procession route, fell hard downpour that ended with no hope of going out, taking the board of the guild's decision not to make penitential. Brothers of the fraternity and all the people mellariense crowded inside the temple which houses the images of Our. Padre Jesus Nazareno and Our Lady of Hope praying with his Counselor, the Holy Rosary Christ interspersed with marches played by the newly formed band of horns and drums in Source Obejuna about a year ago. Bolts that did not stop dedicated holders and Evelyn Medina Eusebio Magarin sung from the pulpit of the chapel, or a wave and lifted the steps inside the temple to the sound of gears brothers played by the band.

Francisco Javier Cabezas


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