Friday, November 6, 2009

Double Heart Wedding Programs

Neglect Your Heart

Gravitation belongs to its author: Murakami sensei ^ ^
I take your children rendered, not for profit, only to meet some of my crazy fantasies and perverted mind.

Neglect Your Heart Today

By Nerissa Leone


much pain, and how to forget ...

If I had the opportunity to do so long ago, I swear by the gods I do not know and I have come to speak, that he had.

But unfortunately the two do not exist.

Ich Verlassen Heunt 'Dein Herz / Neglect Your Heart Today

hear the title of that song in German, and even without knowing what meant to sing it to your ear after making love with so much pleasure and love, or at least I thought that was love, actually I did was make the injury more serious than you can make your loved one.

Stealing the soul, His entire self-interest.

My selfishness.

If it is, and I accept it.

For right now I regret that there is no turning back now, things took an uncertain direction in which there is no exit, no more doors to escape.

And even then I tell you once more but now I do not want, or you can hear.

love you, more than my own existence, and still do, even now that quavered me repeat that phrase, now that is what it means it hurts me to hear between the last sigh that escapes from your lips ...

Ich Verlassen Heunt 'Dein Herz / Neglect Your Heart Today

Ojala and I had known before.

Ojala and was not in this state, to the despair of not having more, knowing that never come back.

To know that even though I hold almost inhuman strength and will not respond to my words, because you no longer are.

For I have given you freedom, wings to escape from my side and forms a life where your light shine with sincerity to someone else and this thank you in the most honestly I never knew what I value.

Im stillen / In silence

Lass ich von dir ab / I leave

Der letzte Kuss / last kiss

Paraphrasing a phrase you hear in some old novel Shakpeare:

"And with this last kiss I die"

I go and I thank you and let me say goodbye to you, loving to the last space in your divine body.

I love you.

I hope you know.

I need.

That error mine to realize this because it is too late.

Ich danke für all die Liebe die / all I agradesco Love

Ich danke dir in Ewigkeit / You Eternally grateful

And sorry for all the fraud that causes you, but today ....

Today my bleeding heart I tell you ....

Ich Verlassen Heunt 'Dein Herz / Ich Verlassen Heunt' Dein Herz

leave your love / abandono tu amor

I leave your heart / abandono tu corazón

your life - your kiss / tu vida - tus besos

Your warmth - your presence, / tu calor - tu cercania,

Deir tenderness. / Tu ternura.


Ai shiteru Shu-chan

Eiri Yuki

Where Does Discharge Come From

Today In Joy and Sorrow

In Joy and Sorrow

Por Nerissa Leone

a feeling you never forget ...

Two words that mean so much ...

A place to wait for that which leads to utter them.

A body ...

My body.

Why Love hurt so much, that hurt ...

What is not supposed to love should make us happy ?

So ...

Why am I not happy?

thought to each step he took, looking down and the rain on my head, this undoubtedly was the worst day of my life.

First, the math teacher which brought it to me, then my parents did not understand that mine was not the administration, if not the music.

So without further to do I left the house alone with the move I was wearing, looking for the one who said love me to death, but he, from whom I least expected, also gave me back.

What a shame ... shame ... that's over me!

already without parents, without friends, without love.

I stood in the middle of a bridge, recharging my arms on the railing, watching the cars pass, was a river of light, white, red and yellow, simply mesmerizing.

At that moment the only thing that crossed my mind was throw the vacuum, the only way to end my suffering, but the rain began to fall, first in a light drizzle accompanied by cold wind, then harder.

Still, I went there, watching the lights, not daring to move even an inch of the place, breathing easy, because no tears to be distinguished in my face, as these were mingled with the drops of rain that washed my face perfectly.


Water was the fluid that revitalized my soul like a balm for wounds deeper within me.

face lift, eyes closed, letting the rain water falls squarely on my cheeks, my forehead, eyes and lips.

Drinking this liquid, the cry of God, the cry of the Angels who suffered with me all my losses, my pain and the tears that purify me.

And I smiled again after long months of eternal bitterness, sleeplessness and crying, smiled and laughed with laughter open until my stomach hurt and made me bend over, falling face down on the wet ground cement that bridge even where I was.

was a mad, completely mad, remembering my sentences while I laugh, opening her eyes, watching that river of lights below me, called me screaming.

And even between hysterical laughter, I got to the railing, holding the thin light pole hugging while I swung from front to the following, non-stop laughing.

What irony!

And life was so, until you find more way that the shiny white light down the hall, where you have been refused entry to all doors as you go and scream for help quiet so as not to disturb anyone.

closed his eyes, turning out loud, just keep a smile etched forever on his lips, listening to the wind and rain, feeling both elements play with my hair, inhaling the strong smell of a wet afternoon fall, thinking about them, my loved ones who may weep for me.

And I was happy.

At the last moment when the last sound that assaulted my ears was the drifting of the cars, and the last image that came to my eyes was your face fallen angel, and the last thing my lips your name was pronounced blessed.

And a wry smile on my face ever captured, sinister.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Office Ultimate Steal

" De Profundis ad clamavi I '

Kitten Dedicated to Kenny

advance Happy Birthday beautiful.

I love you.

"De profundis ad te clamavi"

By Nerissa Leone

I betrayed the unconscious

Al saberte

not mine Far

all perverse desire

In my left mind.

"perhaps I can lick the tears from your eyes?

Can you see the glamor of death?

But I can not see your face

From the darkness of this room.


I make you mine forever

feed off of you

to the last drop of blood.

Can you hear the sound of the wind,


quietly to my grave?

and die in sin, buried

On a bed of hot ashes.

And the sound of your voice

The sound of your voice damn

screaming in the middle of the night

Crying my name.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dora Invitation Wording For Party

"drink from you" Lover

the great love of my life ...

"I'll drink to you"
By Nerissa Leone

you will drink from your lips in red lipstick kisses

From your break from your hectic breath

you will drink from your
tan leather sweat bathes you

you I alimentare
From your cold breath of winter wind

your hands
flavor of your body you will drink

nectar of your lips
wine distilled From your breath

you will drink your neck, your hands
convicted of your love ...

Treacherous Love eternal.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fun Things To Do For Some Initiation


By Nerissa Leone

From your lips a sigh of relief.

From a look of yours, I remain alive.

A smile on your face is my food.

You are the glory and your body is the temple

I confess In my more hidden secrets,

sin I commit to watch you, to wish you

In this insane way of loving.

As I was dreaming to possess,

Although a night.

and die in quiet

Leaving a memory on your lips

A poisoned kiss

That will take you back to me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Clean A Wooden Ironing Board

Les Fleurs Forum du Mal

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Poptropicadatabase Error

"I Love You / Hate" Les Fleurs du Mal

angeles goticos Pictures, Images and Photos

Dedicated to Kenny Black Kitten

"I Love You / Hate"
by Nerissa Leone

tell How much I love you? Yes
hate you as much or a little more
That this miserable existence
To have condemned me.

How I hate? Yes
every breath of yours is mine.

I belong.
For that unites the distance that separates us,
Love terrifies us,
The pain is killing me,
And you light me cry,

I hate you I love you!
I adore and despise!

Because I've done this, I've killed

and sentenced to an experience that neither
In my wildest dreams
From childhood, I imagine.

I love you, I hate you!
I despise and adore!

hurts, if it hurts!
Hate You / Loving
De la forma en que lo hago.

Mi ángel dorado,
Mi monstruo de luz,
Mi ser amado.

¡Y te amo y te desprecio!
¡Y te odio y te adoro!

¡Oh, si cuanto te adoro!

Mi amante, mi verdugo.

Una pausa en el relato...
solo para postear este lindo poema, de lo mas nuevo que saque de mi cabeza.
Espero que os haya gustado ^^.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Hang An Owl House

Forum - Promotion

This is the story that shapes the forum: Les Fleurs du Mal, based on the Vampire Chronicles of Anne Rice.

Under the shadow of the modern world, there where no one disputes that is life or non-existence of the immortals.

That's where they live and hide the Flowers of Evil ..

Those souls that still walk the eternal Garden Wild.

Acercate and dare to know ...


The Savage Garden has been contaminated by pests ...

neophytes Vampires pretending to be legends, human pretend to be vampires and other humans who want to destroy the first two.

human organizations, students of the paranormal called "The Talamasca" even looking to find the secret that unites us in disbelief of the words that I have given, seeking to catch one of us, study us .

Others simply want to destroy us, as I have said, self-appointed, "Vampire."
However, far from the theatrical farce, we are still there the real vampires, the oldest and most powerful, unique things from our race.

All while the world we live in and live with every day, is being transformed day by day, growing, expanding its technology to remote places, creating some nations, the next new powers, but with the disadvantage of leaving some that die sink into misery.

Amid all this even exist.

Yes, I, the Vampire Lestat.

sure many of you no longer remember me, and I have been buried in a safe in their minds, like my books are probably now cast aside somewhere in your library.

have forgotten who these real vampires which I have spoken and have left their minds fogging of these new alleged vampire legends, which are simple and banal imitators without the strength to survive in today's world.

am I here then, raising his voice to make me hear again, calling all my royal court, my great family.

What for? Is asked.

Simple. To show the world today our existence, our talent and beauty, to show those who still dream of us in the midst of a dark storm, which still exist, although we are part of its most feared and beautiful dreams.

are and will be the undisputed masters of the night.



And I, The Vampire Lestat, I am the voice portal of those who still wish to remain anonymous, I come to incur the wrath of man, particularly of those who presume to have the power to destroy.

Come to me, then.

vampire hunting all over the planet, as I await with open arms, come to destroy us if they can, if they have the courage to do.

I am the Vampire Lestat, and I beg you, come to take his revenge.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Elder Sisters Javtalk

This text is not mine is a text that my good friend Lestat hiso me as a birthday gift a year ago, I had relegated to a forum that is dead and wanted to rescue because I loved it. Lest


Note. The characters, Armand and Marius, pertenecesn Mrs Anne Rice, so we reported that we take these for entertainment only nonprofit.

For Lestat_Lioncourt

"I wish to paint your body with my toes, permeating every note of color in each poro.-those words were a powerful song to sin.

slowly undress my body, his fingers slid down my face and then my shoulders to drop my gown. Black gown that made me wear. His hands were stained with paint and egg white, was the mixture that was used to paint on canvas.

had just painted like an angel, my wings were awesome and my eyes seemed to have a religion. However, the only one who thought it was him. He had spent a thousand calamities, I was treated worse than an animal and Marius made me mad. It was the genius of the Paintings, the Magician. Many said they had subtlety in their lines, I say it was just genius.

today I'm going to grant you more than words, you preparado.-kissed my neck and I could feel a chill go my spine.

maestro. "I'm yours" I whispered Trembling. amo. "I said with my eyes fixed on hers. He just seduced me taking me to a nearby couch. I lay there naked, he kept his clothes while his hair caressing my torso.

"I pequeño." His fingers were diligent in my post, began to dilate and I shuddered. I could not moan because their language stopped me. I kissed a lust myself sinking in despair. I opened my legs more waiting to take me to complete pleasure. Those buds are moving slowly, turned and touched my prostate. He still had traces of paint and made to glide smoothly.

candles were lit by the lamp, but soon faded completely, leaving only those close to us lit. I smiled when I pushed a little. Her eyes glowed in the dark as two foci. His fingers were in my driveway, caressing my body.

está. "I whispered taking off her clothes and showing their Member erguido. "But first, Ven-joined me on the couch and leaned to his knees in the cabinet. Their sex touched my lips and I opened them to start licking. My language is passed from the tip to the base, I felt every vein and every piece of skin with a special flavor. My eyes closed and my mind drifted.

sucked with desire, pressed my lips and her hips moved. His manly voice repeating my name over and over again moaned. Left my mouth and climbed over me.

"Today we will be the merger of two almas.-entered me once, making me cry and was rhythmic onslaughts. They were not too strong but deep. I twisted until it fell into an orgasm. Ejaculated between us and he did it in my heart. His mouth ran my neck and my chest still afterwards. Left me and took me in his arms.

"Tonight I will tell all my secrets.

That was how I became a vampire lover, soon to be one of them and my life would be marked by fire, darkness and your name.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Honda Odyssey Front License Plate Holder

Divan Dimitry (Story 2 - Bloody Tears)

§ ~ * * ~ § Dimitry


. Nerissa Leone

Dedicated to a soul without a heart Die Dimitry Levy (Vargaz Diego Rocha)

Thanks for so many years of friendship, and to forgive my estupideses, TE KIERO BITCH .... XDDD (You know it is healing)

* ~ § § ~§*§~ ~ *

Now that I am alone in this place I decided to talk to me, remember who I really am, remember my real name, my origins. For now just remember that I am a vampire, and a very young or at least I think, I have three years in this state, I was sixteen years when my teacher made me who I am, even I must accept that I was almost like them, slept almost all day and nights were devoted to quit, I'm really fascinated by the darkness.

'll start by telling my life when I still was not an immortal.

was about two years ago I was in the first semester of high school at night school, was where I met my maker Leonard Welling.

all started one rainy night, I was sitting in one of the desks in my classroom, it was 8:30 pm when I enter the room, his body exuded a light, a light very strange, but beautiful, was dressed in a light white silk shirt, blue jeans and a jacket in black, looked somewhat informal, was wearing shiny black shoes and her long black hair tied with a ribbon at the neck, their eyes were clear as the daytime sky, an aqua blue, her lips were very well trained.

He looked me in the eyes and at that moment I felt as if time had stopped just for us, as we watched perhaps for hours, but it was not.

was presented to the class and said he was going to be our teacher of literature. The next night on the pretext that he had not understood that century had begun Baroque I approached him and saw that his face was more beautiful than I had ever seen, on his chin and above of his upper lip had not a single trace of beauty, the color of their skin was white and had a smile so white and beautiful and her eyes reflected the light, even through his glasses.

After noticing his face I asked him the question, but he started to make me talk, and since then we began to treat as if we were lifelong friends, on the following night he invited me to dinner. Just spent two months in which he took me to dinner at the best places, although not eaten, getting my tickets for the premieres of films and fashion the best theatrical events, he was in every sense of the word a teacher to me. Then one night I said

Dimitry "You are very beautiful.

I was a bit embarrassed to hear his words.

- What happens, I think, right? - Said while scrutinizing me with his eyes frivolous.

"It's not that, it just never nobody had made a comment about my ... Beauty .- said bowing his eyes. The presence of Leonard always had withdrawn, I was nervous, not only because it was my teacher and that was imposed, he liked me since I had seen enter the room that first night. The gave a short, soft laugh and kiss me very close to his lips, I turned to him and smiled then took my chin with his cold fingers and move closer to me, then I kiss her lips, her action caused me surprise, in my short life had kissed many women and had few but very good sexual experiences with some of them, but I had never kissed a man. His lips were insistent as his tongue explored my mouth, I gave in to his kisses, until he separated us, the street was empty and only you could hear the rustling of the wind took my face in his hands and said :

"This will be our secret, okay? - turning to kiss.

Since then he became a regular in my secret, a sort of lover, someone you could hug and kiss even sneak out and started to love it.

He was my confidant and advisor, helped me solve my problems, a night comes crying to his apartment after you have been looking all day and later. I had a fight with my mother and stepfather, and that someone had delivered an envelope with some pictures in which Leonard and I were kissing, my mother as my father had never been worried about me or my brother, the arto which unconsciousness and indifference of our parents had gone to Rome wearing his robe and as only baggage her faith in God, I dedicate myself to continue taking the indifference of my parents with me to the world around me.

But my parents turned their attention to me by a few simple pictures. My mother paid more attention to her new husband looked at me disgusted pedaso like a stool and my father never was, had come from Texas just mad at me and threatening my mother to take his side to which she nodded My father took me away to a place you never see my few friends, but especially my beloved Leonard. That morning after discussing with my family away from home and went in search of protection Leonard and advice.

When he arrived I was half asleep at the door of his apartment.

-What are you doing here, "surprised" Why did not you go to class?

I throw it in her arms, shivering from the cold that caused me my clothes wet because it had been raining all day.

"Come in, you can not be so sick could

I get to her room and gave me clothes and some towels, she told me to bathe to avoid catching a cold, I obeyed him, coming out of the shower I put on a shirt and pants, which I were somewhat larger. When I left the bathroom was in the bedroom I had prepared a coffee which I drank while telling all that had passed since I had asked.

He said he slept in his bed, which could be sure that nobody would hurt me, kiss me and tuck me to stay asleep.

Soon I felt his hands caressing my face and my body above the sheets, I opened my eyes and he kissed me, shut, his voice in my mind told me: "I LOVE YOU." I gently remove the sheets and clothes that covered me while I kissed and caressed. He leaned over me, caressing me with all sweetness and love me like no one had done that night my transformation began to put my heart and soul into his hands. I slept in his arms. I awoke to feel his body out of bed

- What time is it? "Ask sleepy

-5 in the morning," he said as he dressed

"It think it's too early, will not you stay a little more with me?" I flirting with him.

"That desire, but I can not," he said sitting beside me I have things to do, a work with which to meet, but I promise that at night you lie again on this bed.

- I promise!

- Yes, indeed! - I kiss on the lips and in my hand I put a set of keys on the bed and a wad of cash. This is your house now, you can stay as long as you want, and this money is yours-pointing, too, do not you think I'm buying your love, why not, just want to to be happy, I love you Dmitry, so I do, because I love you. Kiss me once again on the lips before leaving me again repeated with remarkable feeling I LOVE YOU.

- I love you too Leonard, I have always loved.

That day was the longest of my life, I wanted to arrive at night to see him again, to have and to give myself to him once again.

Explore the huge department, and among his personal belongings found an old photo album where he repeated the image of a family of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, some were very old and wore yellow, decayed, fuzzy, when I went to save the album, this fell a photograph of a handsome man, a recent photo and turn it around I saw an inscription, a dedication and a date ...



-020704 -

I felt jealous, that picture had come about a month when I had half a year to be with Leonard, my jealousy was inevitable I loved him and could not, would not lose as he had lost everything I loved, not he. Take a picture and wait for Leonard appeared, at nightfall he made an appearance, I was waiting in anguish and jealousy. I try to kiss me but I turned.

- Who is he? - Throwing the picture

"Well, I think you found her, I've been looking for a long time .- He said looking at the photo, he smiled.

- Who is he? - I went to release him, I was hurt to see that smile upon seeing the photograph, "Tell me who is the man in the picture?

"He's my brother. We do not tell me is jealous of my brother, or what if? - Said with a gentle smile on his face as he came over to me.

- E. .. he is your brother? Sorry I did not know, "I said" excuse me ashamed.

"Silly," he said holding my face with one of his hands-stupid, stupid, "he kissed her lips, I open up to him while recostábamos us on the couch, put his hand in my pants and began to fondle my private parts with great finesse, know how to excite me, I groaned when his hand became more demanding ...

- I LOVE YOU LEONARD! - Said in a gasp.

Got rid of my clothes and theirs quickly, our bodies were burning desire to explore each other again. His lips traveled slowly my body, devouring every part of my being, my hands were clumsy and inexperienced, did not know which way pet, that could so excited, I felt useless, leaving me to do and not do anything for him. I began to mourn in frustration and stopped to look me straight in the eye ...

- What about love? - Caress my face.

- Nothing, it just ... just ... I ...!

-Want me feel what I feel I said Tit. guessing my words.

"Yes .- said, looking down. He took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes.

"You do not need to do nothing but smile, stay with me ...- she whispered and then kissed me gently on the lips and moan .-... nice while you make love .- said in a lullaby my ear.

Turned to kiss my bare chest as my hands wandered timidly back or my fingers tangled in his lank black hair. His lips traveled with my stomach burning patience, then I felt his wet mouth making me gird my member asking more and more. In a few minutes to take me to achieve total ecstasy provoke a magnificent orgasm. I breathed with difficulty because of my excitement, I just watched rapt and stroking my cheeks.

- Oh my beautiful Dimitry, if not love you so much! - He said, he looked sad, suddenly stood up, placed her robe and walked to the balcony the bedroom, looked at the sky which was studded with stars. Tell me, have you ever seen a sky so beautiful as this? - His voice was melancholy.

I get out of bed and wrapped in a sheet and went to his side, he took my hand and looked into my eyes, his expression was sad.

- What is it, what happens? - Stroked his cheek, was warm and flushed.

"Tell me my love, if I asked you would be able to leave your family, your friends, all ... for me.

- Yes, of course I would, I love you and I will not leave you ... ever! - you open it, it was separated immediately taking me by the shoulders.

"I think it came time to know the truth.

- What, you do not understand, What do you mean by "truth"?

He took a deep breath without letting

"I've said a year from the shadows follow you ...-

and I was startled to answer.

- How can that be, Leonard?

"So you heard, Dimitry, I have followed you because I have plans for you ...

- Plans, What kind of plans?, What do you mean? - Answered with astonishment and curiosity, which is limited only answer.

- Follow me - his expression had changed totally and abruptly, looked serious, looked angry, but I knew that it was not. I followed him through the bedroom, and immediately took me to the room where I was handed a yellow envelope

"Open it," he said as he stood near the fireplace. Immediately opened the envelope and out of there a few photos, the same as had been the cause of my problems with my family.

- What does this mean? - Said angrily throwing the pictures on the coffee table.

"I sent those photos, "she said without turning to me.

- What? - My eyes filled with tears, how could you? You're a ... a ...

-A that ... a fucking ... a miserable liar, "he said turning to me, his eyes were moist and ran down her cheeks a few tears of blood, approached me, looked like a wild beast, showing their fangs, I was very scared, I was about to cry but I got hands in the mouth to prevent it, he gets closer and closer to to be front of me, we were so close I could feel her breath on my face. It took me by the neck and kissed me, I was sitting in one of the chairs so he was kneeling in front of me, kissing me insistently. Try to separate but even more pressed his lips to mine and thrust his tongue between my lips, when he did I could feel a slight taste of blood and closed my eyes, he soon broke away and looked at me sadly, and touched my cheeks again.

- Do you still love me? - I said, his voice between cut.

- Who are you, what you Leonard?, Why have followed me, What do you want from me?, What plans do you mean?

- BASTA! - Answered, pushing his shoulders, his hands were strong and nail me on the couch "Stop it, stop besieged with so many questions, just tell me, even me If you love or not?!

swallow some saliva, was too scared to answer, so the tugging me in exasperation and yell

- ANSWER IS DAMN!, Say something! - My

tears would not stop.

- You're a ... a ... a ... VAMPIRE, right?!

He looked at me astounded and smiled letting me see their sharp incisors.

- Valla, if you're smart, you realize at last, I thought I never would! - Sat next to me around my shoulders with his left arm, crossed his legs. And tell me, now you know the whole truth, you still are willing to come with me?

I watched with fear and answer.

- What if I say no? -

I take down her chin and told me a half smile.

"Then I have to force yourself, suddenly kissing on the lips, I push a little for me to let go, looked at me rather strangely, with an almost mocking. Well, if you want, take me by the neck and opened his mouth as the jaws of a wolf was about to set his teeth when he hit a punch in the jaw with all the strength I were possible.

He just grabbed at the place where he had been beaten, when turning to me, I saw a little blood out the corner of his lips he licked once, letting out a loud laugh.

- I knew it, knew that this would be your reaction, you are very brave Dimitry, but that will be of great help! -. Again lunged at me, I had him by the arms, moved by the terror he felt shout.

- NOOO! - He stopped, the tears sprang involuntarily from my eyes, "No, I do not like that! - I look dismayed expression changed again while I burn, I kiss on the crown and I separated a bit, enough to see his face.

The dry my tears with his thumb.

"Do not cry, we will do as you ask, and I kiss her lips, "Now close your eyes.

I obeyed immediately, I felt his hand behind my neck, closer to him, he kissed me in the jugular vein, immediately afterwards I felt his fangs penetrating my skin. My heart started beating at a rapid pace while sucking my blood, I burn to force your body until I felt faint, I had become a puppet of myself, dull, cold, empty Leonard's arms, I thought but not so die.

I felt something wet on my lips, warm liquid permeating of life my body while listening to Leonard's voice say: BEBE.

The sweet liquid filled my mouth and ran down my throat, my stomach, filling my lungs and every artery in my body.

At first the experience was exciting, but after a while became frustrating, I was out of breath and severe pain in the pit of my stomach made me separated from the source emitting a terrible cry of pain.

Leonard felt hands holding me trying to stay on the ground and in my delirium, I writhed and screamed in pure pain until it finally subsided, he had stopped breathing and his eyes were closed, his body relaxed, too that a moment I thought, will die!

Soon my fear was denied, I felt a spasm of pain last time I felt out of me all the dirt that my body contained. In my lower lip felt a twinge and taste blood, exhale a long sigh at the same time he opened his eyes.

What I then saw was the most wonderful thing that had ever seen, the colors that the vast reflective glass of the lamp shone like the stars themselves, a beautiful symphony of light and color was what had become the room , a sinister shadow eclipsed my view and I realized that it was the face of my beloved creator who was smiling sweetly.

- Now you're mine! - Said in a barely audible whisper.

took me in his arms and took me to the shower where we both showered together.

Once we dress neat he got a black Armani suit, silk shirt with no tie and thin black shoes. He handed me some clothes she had taken from a trunk in her bedroom had where he was more clothes than she had bought for me. The outfit that I had was a gray jeans and a soft black silk shirt.

That night we went out to hunt the poorest neighborhoods of Los Angeles, lived My first experience of killing a human being, which affected me a bit because my brother thought that the murder was a sin, but I recovered.

Spend six months alongside Leonard, my inspiration for this dark world, until they tired of each other as mutually decided to separate with a promise to meet again in the future.

Today it's been years since my transformation and I can say that I now remember who I was, who I am and what I am:

My name is Dmitry



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Endnotes XD ... This was my first Yaoi fic, I hope you liked ois.