Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Thank U

I do not know if you ever said thanks, but now you say them.

I want to thank all the unconditional love you gave me, because if not for the love that you lived in the entire time we were together I know that today I could not have even a crumb of hope. Knowing that someone like you-all a Prince Charming-me-loved as you loved me dearly, with emotion, with enough sensitivity to understand and accept, is what helps me see the gray skies of today and know that in some distant place someone can love me.

You have been the great love of my life. And I stay with that statement, because only you do not let my heart little adrift. You were the one who knew how to take care, pet, make me feel loved and happy for so long.

Thanks for that.

I must also apologize for making you suffer, because I know how you felt you should have. Please forgive me for having damaged, make you shed tears, acting like a bitch the only person who has been in my life and did not deserve it. I beg you to forgive me for everything wrong with me I left you, because no one deserves to feel that way. Nobody has the right to break her heart to another person.

So silently ask your forgiveness through this post will probably never see.

And we hope that the two be as happy with other people as they once were to each other. For the princess

find the prince who deserves it, and you - my knight You can run your horse into the castle where your lady will be waiting.

With a huge affection,


How Many Calories In A Pop Secret Bag


is as if she had sunk more than ever in my body, crying out for air, sun, a little light. He does not remember its normal beat and only throws agonizing screams begging for what once was, and now is lost.

But soon a ray of light (a measly beam with a smile new) will find it is more red than I thought. Believes that when all is lost, you discover that it is not. That life goes on, because when you're born to be great can not drop.

Now everything hurts. Breathing hurts. Walking hurts. Thinking is a mental torture.

But I know one day will dawn and nothing hurt. Laugh again because it is not proper to me catatonic states. Perceived as the sun warms my body and I'll want to dance until the heels make holes in the soles of my feet.

Today I feel everything that happens to me not to forget that I can still feel very, very much, I am a sphere of feelings intense. And soon those feelings again be a beautiful love ...

For love attracts love, even though they Tris my heart many times ... never lose hope.

And never, NEVER, I lose myself.

It is a rebirth, and receive the spring more beautiful than ever.

In the end I'll always hold myself. LE

Monday, August 30, 2010

Double D Ring Belt How To Use

It's all coming back to me now

No more words ...


Untucked Shit With Suit

... A number more? ... Soudade

Yep, I passed ... I am now a larger number in a large company. Directly pass the test and give you an electronic card which has a number ... you have no name, no identity, only that number.
To access the company has passed the card by a little machine and recognize the number ... you open the barrier.
Then when you get to your job, you have to type the number above to give you access to your computer.

is a total loss of identity, a small swarm of bees for the queen identified by a numbering.
And of course, like any good swarm that boasts ... drones wander down the hall, in this case ... are allowed to walk around the hive, so yes, no whip (thank goodness)

I never liked the crowds, I am of large spaces and few people, but now .... Ye it touching!

As angry swarm of bees,
a dark corner of memory come to haunt
memories of past hours.

I want them to repel. Effort as useless!
surround me, harass me,
and one after another to key comes
the sharp sting the soul festers.

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thornberry Online Rescue Game


... and after these two months, febrile, anxious, no longer, longest. And taking a break from household chores and study time this weekend I hope ...
... My head flew to my homeland, that botxo of my soul, that Aste Nagusia that between one thing and another, took five years getting lost.

Fiestas ... Opportunity to meet with the crew as ever, with family, friends that I have not saw, catch up with them, see their eyes, they can be playing and having them forward, sometimes ... the damn phone not give so how you'd like. Stick a few laughs with them, or tears, depending on what you play, that for everything there ...

counts are made of many things, are remembered more ... Remember when ...? and that time when ...? And the laughs end up surfacing

I declare, my people of my friends and I miss them, they and my country, but ... I will make the firm intention, as every year, not to miss this event next year.

See Marijaia dancing, see the face of children getting through the mouth of Gargantua and see you out with that smile and those eyes jumping, take a few tixikitos with the crew by choznas, throw some balls with the improvisers in the Plaza de Santiago, a tour of the new square, the square of the gas, the pergola ... see the fireworks from the city hall bridge .....
Well, another year will be. This ... study touches.

Zorionak Aste Nagusia 2010 Bilbo!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is There Language In Mw2

New job ... new stage ... o well ill? who knows what?

These days I'm more bundled the shoe of a Roman, I have abandoned my blog ...
But ... everything has its explanation. New job ... I do not think that comes a little big, sip ... I tell you.

A has always worked for SMEs, and this ... it's like you take out of your house and you always say that now is not a palace of meters and several plants, uffffff ....
The little things more bearable, and guys, sorry, but it will for you. Sure you guys will understand me better.

are always crowd, I never liked the crowds, always ran away from them, well, now I'm y. .. I throw myself headlong into one of them.

No maybe it's for good or bad, but ... I have afrontaré clear that the best you can and see what happens. But I always said I am English girl in the street, as has always been said, and all this so Americanized and abbreviations and numbers all over instead of those names we gave our dads at the baptismal font .... I do not if I end up getting used to all these changes

promise as he caught the thread .... I will walk around here more often ... It is a threat, and threats ... I in compliance.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Decorating With A Ziplock Bag

Saxo .... Alexis Díaz-Pimienta

A saxophone is an instrument too sad to dance
on power lines.
(Never mind that there
dead birds at the foot of the violins.)

A saxophone is for the autumn leaves,
for divorce, for letters that do not arrive.
If they see rain, get out the sax where all to hear.
If mourning in the city, worship Him.
And no one comes to mind playing the saxophone on a Thursday.

And nobody try near the gardens.
get used to the gray and the wind in the window
dying spiral of silence.
A chest full sax
bat and leaves us well, with
invaded chest with the woman always have pain in the walls.

The sax no, please, Charlie Parker,
do not you see ash falling?
do not feel like singing the dark circles?

The sax no, please, Charlie Parker,
or weep together the next rain.

How To Mount Front License Plate On Honda Pilot

Nueva etapa ...

Life is based on that ... in stages.

Well, I think it will also come to an end. Is that the cuarentitis? (A little late, yes, but I go with that being late for everything, which is a lentita)

All I know is that this slump will pass and better times to come, as someone said I love ... next year will be mine. Plim will be ours. Life happens, we as water escapes between the fingers, y. .. we have to live it?

Mixed feelings, medley of memories, sensitivity to the surface, sorrows and joys of holding hands together, and at the end of the day ... when it is assumed that we would have to rest ... Our neurons plan is put in the microwave popcorn, and it is so difficult to sleep.

Thankfully we do not need sleep to dream, that we never let those endorphins that at least .. that's what we got him.

In those wings still being tied hand and foot, we can fly (sorry, I'm single-minded but ... ye there is)

A dream, an illusion, a summer .. . free time ... and all those laughs Internet ... they are real.

Bruha You want ... I know

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lump On Poodle's Tail

Perseids ... Leonidas ... Geminids ... Líridas ...

Perseid ... Leonidas ... Geminids ... Lyrids ... Starfall
childhood dreams, desires launched into the sky on clear nights ... Adult broken dreams ...

Last night, at dawn ... Last cigarette on the window before going to bed. There were clear skies, the Perseids.

A shooting star, so many memories come to your mind ...

Summer Castilian hot nights with the sky clear, unpolluted luminescent.

Month of August, watching falling stars, someone called Perseids, or the tears of St. Lawrence, as the August 9 in celebration of the saint and since the Middle Ages thought tears were allegedly Lorenzo shed when he sacrificed.

Then came the Leonids in November. Cold nights, layers and layers of jersey and over the parka, hat, gloves, scarves ... Michelin Which doll when night fell, we got into the car and halfway to the rock of France, we descended, we enrollábamos in blankets, they took the chocolate milk and coffee thermos hot and half asleep, we waited for the Leonids.
Those were the best, mine, since he named it the thought that came from the constellation Leo.
memories, some pleasant, some sad ... Mental moments of escape.
But in the end you realize so many dreams cast into the sky y. .. the cruel reality that now protects you ...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yg Entertainment Work


opened my eyes and the whole city was destroyed. The cement rocks piled on what was once a major thoroughfare, and pillars of buildings stood like shadows on the destruction at that time the sun shone.

I felt lost.

was hard to see well with the dust that rested on my nose and made me sneeze as a chronic allergy. My eyes filled with tears of annoyance and rubbed my hands on them, leaving my face with land marks.

- Is there anyone out here - I called hoping that not only the echo was my response.

- Alo hear me? - I asked the whistling wind that brought the remains of ash from who knows where and why.

But no one answered my questions.

I walked with my knee trying to avoid the bloody remains of houses that looked like boulders. It hurt every step like walking on fire, struggling not to fall, feeding only the desire to survive to bear this burden that meant a shattered limb.

wanted to live, he wished with all my heart, but the pain would end all desires, even those who love and wishes that are stored deep in the red heart. How could

to die without fulfilling my dreams?. Although this destruction is not assured me that my dreams may be fulfilled now. But still the desire to fulfill those dreams was the only thing that drove me forward, to move, walk, fly like never before did it because I always was vetoed.

closed my eyes and raised my hands dirty to feel the wind and cold. The remains of a fire which had been heated were gone, and now it was only a breeze toxic marking my skin with black spots. Batty over my arms as I had ever seen in the clouds, which had been rejected by the older guard. And without wings that had so longed to be deployed as two cotton leaves behind me.

The first dream was fulfilled. Now was the jump takeoff. Having

take me over the top.


Does Mono Cause Stomach Bloating

A conversation with myself. Quoting Dickens

Are you there?
course, where else could it be?
I do not know, something I call. A long time ago have not shown signs of life. Are you lost? -.
I always lost a little. But do not worry ... and turned

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Football Jockstrap Showing

" The unqualified truth is, That When I loved Estella with the love of a man
... I loved her reason Against, Against promise, Against Peace, Against Hope, happiness
Against, Against All That Could Be discouragement. Once for all, I
loved her none the less Because I Knew it, and it Had no more
Influence in restraining me, if I Had devoutly Than Believed Be human to perfection her

"I loved her against reason ,

against promise,

against peace ,

against all hope ,

against happiness, against all

the discouragement that could be "

anyone ever love me so?.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Do U Die From Pulmonary Fibrosis

I have a secret in his pocket


A little secret is hidden in my pocket.

few magic words that could change everything.

A bomb that explodes and burns a few things.

A calm sea, that if it breaks, it causes destruction.

I can not confess this secret.

close my eyes and imagine me saying it out loud.

forests become black and the city is falling apart.

Perhaps I exaggerate, I always do.

But anyway, the secret is the future that can not escape.

Because five bites and a lick enough.

The cards were dealt and the dice run on the table.

I came an ace of hearts, King of clubs and "Quina" pica. Dice joined



revour Au \u200b\u200b...


Monday, August 9, 2010

Clean Rusty Boat Trailer

I Was Born a day like this

The date was the first thing I wrote in my notebook in the morning, and I need a few minutes to recognize why that date was familiar.
Perhaps if things had not been as they were, today would have been with you celebrating your birthday, drinking beer and laughing about it and look like a 25 year old. Youth
you run out, like me, but I know that if I stop one second back in your eyes I would see as a small fifteen years I admired with all his heart. Luckily

and I can not look into the eyes.

Although I must admit ...

... even with the cold August sun on my back ...

... there are nights you want to see you again and forget all the past.

Damn, why could never be just friends with no other feeling?

Or rather ...

Why was I who always clung to that feeling fickle?


I know.

But you were always a fool

for me You were always my asshole.
